Thursday, February 7, 2013

Protest Etiquette

Some protest etiquette tips. Basically, we want to make our voice heard in the most positive light possible. Be respectful, be polite, and ignore those who are not reciprocating.

1) For couples going in to apply for licenses, please be as polite and nice to the clerks as humanly possible. We are NOT there to argue with them or be angry with them. They are simply doing their job and following the law and we are already making their day stressful enough.


2) PLEASE DON'T FEED THE STUPID. There will likely be some counter protesters. They should not matter to us. We will not change their opinions. They will not change ours. Getting in a yelling match with them will simply dilute our message, and make it negative. Our message is a positive one. Its about equality and love. Plain and simple. Leave them to do their own thing and ignore them as much as you would the bench they're sitting on.


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